Two bright spots in 2007 - a wonderful holiday in New Zealand to mark DH's early retirement, and I've lost nearly 4 stone (just need to loose another 4 now).
2008 has got off to a great start - my middle son and his wife have just had their first child - a girl - our second grandchild. Mother and baby are doing well, father is beside himself with excitement, and we are absolutely delighted.
We took my mother home to Suffolk today and we visited the winter walk at Anglesey Abbey, a National Trust property between Cambridge and Newmarket. Despite the weather - dull, dark, trying to snow - it was absolutely beautiful, especially the birch grove, which was quite magical.
The trunks are white, but where the bark has peeled off, its the most beautiful apricot colour which contrasts with the soft green verdigris.
Sheila, Thank you for sharing these. They are truly stunning. Lesley
Exquisite and inspirational pictures-thank you for sharing them. I saw the birches being washed on Gardeners World a couple of weeks ago.!
That picture of the white trees green grass, path and dark soil is absolutely inspirational. Just my first visit to your blog, but I can see you are going to become a firm favourite. what a wonderful job you used to have. Theatre work!! My Serentex friends were chatting about this recently and 4 of us would like to start all over again and this time round we were going to be doing what you have already done.
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